Techniques and formats in the practice of modern media education

  • Марианна Владимировна Будник Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia


The article is devoted to modern methods, techniques, formats and innovations in journalism education, understanding the experience of teaching disciplines related to journalism and modern foreign media systems. The author discusses journalism and media education, drawing a parallel with such terms as “media literacy”, “media competence”, “media culture”, “media skills”, etc. The article discusses the interpretation of terms and points of view of scientists in the field of media education. At the same time, the important role of higher journalistic education is explained and comparisons are made with foreign experience.
The author clarifies what nowadays, in the age of the information society, special attention is paid to when preparing future journalists at universities. Based on the opinion of colleagues, as well as personal experience, the author analyzes the use of such techniques as lecture-presentation, working with multimedia, and working on an individual project.
The author of the article shares the results of practical assignments received from students of the Faculty of Journalism of the Russian State University for the Humanities. It talks about new directions in media education, changes and innovations that meet the requirements of the time. In particular, about the direction of master’s training at the Faculty of Journalism of the Russian State University for the Humanities - “Producing multimedia projects.”
The issue of a startup as a diploma in the areas of Journalism and Media Communications is being discussed. This is a completely new format of final qualifying paper in the humanities, which requires special attention, special organization of work, and multifaceted training.
The author concludes that it is important to change along with the information society, observing the norms of morality, morality, professionalism, and to direct educational design to more modern, relevant formats that are in demand by the student audience of future and aspiring journalists.


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Author Biography

Марианна Владимировна Будник, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Journalism Department, Faculty of Journalism


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How to Cite
БУДНИК, Марианна Владимировна. Techniques and formats in the practice of modern media education. Znak: problemnoe pole mediaobrazovanija, [S.l.], n. 1 (51), p. 25–30, mar. 2024. ISSN 2949-3641. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024. doi:


media education, journalism, multimedia, diploma, startup, media literacy, media competence, Russian State University for the Humanities.