Исследование различных национальных художественных школ кинематографии в контексте фильмов о войне
В статье рассматривается вопрос о культурных аспектах национальной безопасности применительно к контексту современного искусства. Автор рассматривает американские, европейские и российские военные фильмы 2010-х гг. и выявляет типичные черты репрезентации образа армии, солдат и войны в целом в двух разных отечественных кинематографических школах. Выявляется связь особенностей военного кино со спецификой исторической судьбы и обстоятельствами современной внешней политики. В заключение автор выделяет некоторые риски и угрозы национальной культурной безопасности, связанные с трансляцией в российское культурное пространство точки зрения, выраженной в американском военном кино.
2. Belmonte L. A. Selling the American Way: U. S. Propaganda and the Cold War. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 272 p.
3. Bychkov S. P. (2004). Aleksandr Nevskii: istoricheskii prototip i ekrannyi obraz [Alexander Nevsky: historical prototype and screen image]. Vestnik OmGU [Herald of Omsk University], 1, 60–63. (In Russ.).
4. Chistyakova V. O. (2012). Otechestvennoe voennoe kino 1911-2011 godov: mediatizatsiya pamyati [Domestic military cinema of 1911-2011: mediatization of memory]. Kul’turologicheskii zhurnal [Journal of culture research], 3 (9), available at: https://publications.hse.ru/articles/73614999. (In Russ.).
5. Dronov V. A. (2013). Istoricheskaya i atributivnaya dostovernost’ izobrazheniya vraga v sovremennykh fil’makh o Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine [Historical and Attributive Reliability of the Image of the Enemy in Modern Films about the Great Patriotic War]. Vlast’ [The Authority], 4, 182–186. (In Russ.).
6. Karusheva Yu. M. (2018). Aktual’nye fil’my kholodnoi voiny: komparativnyi analiz [Actual films of cold war: comparative analysis]. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ [Social competence], 4 (10), 79–83. (In Russ.).
7. Khokhlov V. A. (2010). Velikaya Otechestvennaya voina v sovremennom rossiiskom kino: prodolzhenie v fentezi-budushchem [The Great Patriotic War in modern Russian cinema: continuation in the fantasy future]. Novyi istoricheskii vestnik [The New Historical Bulletin], 23, available at: http://www.nivestnik.ru/2010_1/3. shtml. (In Russ.).
8. Koine O., Frants V. A. (2017). Kinematograf kak element sistemy «Myagkoi sily» gosudarstva [Cinema as an element of the “soft power” system of the state]. Diskurs-Pi, 2, 154–162. (In Russ.).
9. Kul’kin E. S. (2013). Iskusstvo kak instrument patrioticheskogo vospitaniya molodezhi: opyt SSSR 60-70-kh godov [Art as a tool for the patriotic education of youth: the experience of the USSR in the 60-70s]. Sotsial’no-gumanitarnye znaniya [Social and humanitarian knowledge], 9, 1–9. (In Russ.).
10. Lyamzin A. V. (2019). Bazovye obrazy Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny v sovetskom i postsovetskom kinematografe kak elementy natsional’noi rossiiskoi identichnosti [Basic Images of the Great Patriotic War in Soviet and Post-Soviet Cinema as Elements of Russian National Identity]. Istoriya i sovremennoe mirovozzrenie [History and Modern Perspectives], 1, 73–80. (In Russ.).
11. Maslova A. V. (2017) Kul’turnye i politicheskie mekhanizmy formirovaniya «Myagkoi sily» Indii [Cultural and Political Mechanisms of India’s “Soft Power” Formation]. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie. Elektronnyi vestnik [Public Administration. E-journal], 61, 287–297. (In Russ.).
12. McCormick J. (2006). The European Superpower. New York: Red Globe Press, 256 p.
13. Morozova I. V. (2016). Amerikanskii fil’m-biografiya v sisteme sovremennoi kinokul’tury [American
film-biography in the system of modern film culture]. Vestnik VGIK [Bulletin of Film Art], 1 (27), 105–114. (In Russ.).
14. Nagornaya O. S., Raeva T. V. (2012). Obrazy Pervoi mirovoi voiny na ekranakh mezhvoennoi Rossii i Germanii: memorial’naya politika i kollektivnaya pamyat’ [Images of the First World War on the Screens of Interwar Russia and Germany: Memorial Politics and Collective Memory]. Vestnik YuUrGU. Seriya: Sotsial’no- gumanitarnye nauki [South Ural State University Bulletin. Series “Social Sciences and the Humanities”], 32, 45–48. (In Russ.).
15. Nye J. S. (2005). Soft Power: The Means To Success In World Politics. New York: PublicAffairs, 191 p.
16. Nye J. S. (2011). The Future of Power. New York: PublicAffairs, 320 p.
17. Ryabov O. V. (2013). “From Russia with love”: Obraz SSSR v gendernom diskurse amerikanskogo
kinematografa (1946–1963 gg.) [“From Russia with love”: the image of the USSR in the gender discourse of American cinema (1946–1963)]. Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost’ [Social Sciences and Contemporary World], 5, 166–176. (In Russ.).
18. Ryabova T. B., Pankratova E. V. (2021). «Cold warriors» glazami sovremennykh rossiyan: retseptsiya kinoobrazov maskulinnosti amerikanskikh voennykh perioda kholodnoi voiny [“Cold Warriors” Through the Eyes of Modern Russians: Reception of Movie Images of Masculinity in the American Military during the Cold War]. ZHenshchina v rossijskom obshchestve [Woman in Russian Society], 4, 29–40. (In Russ.).
19. Shaw T., Youngblood D. J. (2014). Cinematic Cold War: The American and Soviet Struggle for Hearts and Minds. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 312 p.
20. Voronov A. M. (2010). Problema pravdopodobiya i pravdy v sovetskikh i rossiiskikh khudozhestvennykh fil’makh, posvyashchennykh Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine [The Problem of Plausibility and Truth in Soviet and Russian Feature Films Dedicated to the Great Patriotic War]. Vestnik LGU im. A. S. Pushkina [Pushkin Leningrad State University Journal], 2, 222–231. (In Russ.).
21. Yakushenkova O. S. (2016). Aziat kak chuzhoi: neskol’ko keisov amerikanskoi istorii [Asian as a stranger: several cases of American history]. Manuskript, 12-1 (74), 210–213. (In Russ.).
22. Zhemchugova O. A. (2014). Instrumenty manipulirovaniya massovym soznaniem na primere kinematografa SShA [Tools for manipulating mass consciousness on the example of US cinema]. Vestnik MGIMO [MGIMO Review of International Relations], 2 (35), 267–270. (In Russ.)