Преувеличивающий заголовок как аттрактивный прием в спортивных интернет-СМИ
В статье рассматривается один из наиболее распространённых видов аттрактивных приемов в медиа – заголовок, который преувеличивает содержание материала. Приводятся примеры использования на страницах рейтинговых спортивных интернет-СМИ, а также статистика, подтверждающая возрастание роли заголовков в эпоху новых медиа, их влияние на виральность контента в социальных сетях.
DOI: 10.24411/2070-0695-2020-10423
Данные скачивания пока не доступны.
1. Bogdanov, V. (2019). Gryaznyy biznes. Kak «Barsa» zastavlyaet nenavidet' sebya ves' futbol'nyy mir [Dirty business. How Barca makes the whole football world hate themselves]. Sportbox.ru [Sportbox.ru], available at: https://news.sportbox.ru/Vidy_sporta/Futbol/transfers/spbnews_NI953570_Graznyj_biznes_Kak_Barsa_zastavlajet_nenavidet_seba_ves_futbolnyj_mir (accessed: 20.01.20). (In Russ.).
2. Bogdanov, V. (2018). Dni Osobennogo sochteny. Manchester zhdet Zidana [The days of the Special are numbered. Manchester is waiting for Zidane]. Sportbox.ru [Sportbox.ru], available at: https://news.sportbox.ru/Vidy_sporta/Futbol/Evropejskie_chempionaty/Angliya/spbnews_NI901911_Dni_Osobennogo_sochteny_Manchester_zhdet_Zidana (accessed: 20.01.20). (In Russ.).
3. Vol'skaya, N. N. (2018). Klikbeyt kak sredstvo sozdaniya lozhnoy informatsii v internet-kommunikatsii [Klikbait as a means of creating false information in Internet communication]. Mediaskop [Mediaskope], 2, available at: http://www.mediascope.ru/2450. DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2018.12 (accessed: 18.01.20). (In Russ.).
4. Kuznetsov, E. S. (2018). Klikbeyt v zagolovkakh sportivnykh internet-SMI [Klikbait in the headlines of sports Internet media]. Mediakontent: vzglyad molodogo issledovatelya [Media content: the view of a young researcher], 9, pp. 29–33. (In Russ.).
5. Nikolaeva, A. V. (2017). Klikbeyt: k opredeleniyu ponyatiya [Klikbait: to the definition of the concept]. Aktual'nye problemy stilistiki [Actual problems of stylistics], 3, pp. 146−151.
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7. Biyan, P., Tsioutsiouliklis, K. & Blackmer, J. (2016). 8 Amazing Secrets for Getting More Clicks: Detecting Clickbaits in News Streams Using Article Informality. Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16), pp. 94–100, available at: https://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/AAAI/AAAI16/paper/view/11807 (accessed: 18.01.20).
8. Clickbait. (2020). Lexico: Oxford dictionary, available at: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/clickbait (accessed: 17.01.20).
9. Dailymail.co.uk rank. (2020). SimilarWeb, available at: https://pro.similarweb.com/#/website/worldwideoverview/dailymail.co.uk/*/999/1m?webSource=Total (accessed: 20.01.20).
10. Guerini, M. & Staiano, J. (2015). Deep Feelings: A Massive Cross-Lingual Study on the Relation between Emotions and Virality. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, pp. 299–305, available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.04723 (accessed: 20.01.20).
11. Ivett, I. & Cagnazzo, A. (2020). Cristiano Ronaldo 'has been offered to Barcelona' in a sensational move that would pair him with Lionel Messi... as Juventus try to relieve themselves of his £28m salary. Daily Mail, available at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-8622727/Ronaldo-offered-Barcelona-sensational-pair-Messi.html (accessed: 18.08.20).
12. Kamenetz, A. (2013). How Upworthy Used Emotional Data To Become The Fastest Growing Media Site of All Time. FastCompany, available at: https://www.fastcompany.com/3012649/how-upworthy-used-emotional-data-to-become-the-fastest-growing-media-site-of-all-time (accessed: 19.01.20).
13. Powell, J. (2019). Jose Mourinho seems to enjoy life as a television pundit... but ex-Manchester United boss looks to be edging closer to Real Madrid reunion. Daily Mail, available at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-6630295/Mourinho-enjoy-life-pundit-ex-Man-United-boss-looks-edging-closer-Madrid.html (accessed: 20.01.20).
14. Rayson, S. (2017). We Analyzed 100 Million Headlines. Here’s What We Learned. Buzzsumo, available at: https://buzzsumo.com/blog/most-shared-headlines-study/ (accessed: 17.01.2020).
15. Rony, M. M. U., Hassan, N. & Yousuf, M. (2017). Diving Deep into Clickbaits: Who Use Them to What Extents in Which Topics with What Effects? Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining 2017, available at: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.09400.pdf (accessed: 18.01.2020).
16. Scacco, J. & Muddiman, A. (2018). Investigating the Influence of “Clickbait” News Headlines. Center for Media Engagement, available at: https://mediaengagement.org/research/clickbait-headlines/ (accessed: 18.01.20).
2. Bogdanov, V. (2018). Dni Osobennogo sochteny. Manchester zhdet Zidana [The days of the Special are numbered. Manchester is waiting for Zidane]. Sportbox.ru [Sportbox.ru], available at: https://news.sportbox.ru/Vidy_sporta/Futbol/Evropejskie_chempionaty/Angliya/spbnews_NI901911_Dni_Osobennogo_sochteny_Manchester_zhdet_Zidana (accessed: 20.01.20). (In Russ.).
3. Vol'skaya, N. N. (2018). Klikbeyt kak sredstvo sozdaniya lozhnoy informatsii v internet-kommunikatsii [Klikbait as a means of creating false information in Internet communication]. Mediaskop [Mediaskope], 2, available at: http://www.mediascope.ru/2450. DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2018.12 (accessed: 18.01.20). (In Russ.).
4. Kuznetsov, E. S. (2018). Klikbeyt v zagolovkakh sportivnykh internet-SMI [Klikbait in the headlines of sports Internet media]. Mediakontent: vzglyad molodogo issledovatelya [Media content: the view of a young researcher], 9, pp. 29–33. (In Russ.).
5. Nikolaeva, A. V. (2017). Klikbeyt: k opredeleniyu ponyatiya [Klikbait: to the definition of the concept]. Aktual'nye problemy stilistiki [Actual problems of stylistics], 3, pp. 146−151.
6. Statistika poseshchaemosti saytov kategorii sport [Statistics of attendance of sites in the category of sports]. LiveInternet [LiveInternet], available at: https://www.liveinternet.ru/rating/ru/sport/#period=month;geo=ru;group=sport (accessed: 20.01.20) (In Russ.).
7. Biyan, P., Tsioutsiouliklis, K. & Blackmer, J. (2016). 8 Amazing Secrets for Getting More Clicks: Detecting Clickbaits in News Streams Using Article Informality. Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16), pp. 94–100, available at: https://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/AAAI/AAAI16/paper/view/11807 (accessed: 18.01.20).
8. Clickbait. (2020). Lexico: Oxford dictionary, available at: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/clickbait (accessed: 17.01.20).
9. Dailymail.co.uk rank. (2020). SimilarWeb, available at: https://pro.similarweb.com/#/website/worldwideoverview/dailymail.co.uk/*/999/1m?webSource=Total (accessed: 20.01.20).
10. Guerini, M. & Staiano, J. (2015). Deep Feelings: A Massive Cross-Lingual Study on the Relation between Emotions and Virality. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, pp. 299–305, available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.04723 (accessed: 20.01.20).
11. Ivett, I. & Cagnazzo, A. (2020). Cristiano Ronaldo 'has been offered to Barcelona' in a sensational move that would pair him with Lionel Messi... as Juventus try to relieve themselves of his £28m salary. Daily Mail, available at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-8622727/Ronaldo-offered-Barcelona-sensational-pair-Messi.html (accessed: 18.08.20).
12. Kamenetz, A. (2013). How Upworthy Used Emotional Data To Become The Fastest Growing Media Site of All Time. FastCompany, available at: https://www.fastcompany.com/3012649/how-upworthy-used-emotional-data-to-become-the-fastest-growing-media-site-of-all-time (accessed: 19.01.20).
13. Powell, J. (2019). Jose Mourinho seems to enjoy life as a television pundit... but ex-Manchester United boss looks to be edging closer to Real Madrid reunion. Daily Mail, available at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-6630295/Mourinho-enjoy-life-pundit-ex-Man-United-boss-looks-edging-closer-Madrid.html (accessed: 20.01.20).
14. Rayson, S. (2017). We Analyzed 100 Million Headlines. Here’s What We Learned. Buzzsumo, available at: https://buzzsumo.com/blog/most-shared-headlines-study/ (accessed: 17.01.2020).
15. Rony, M. M. U., Hassan, N. & Yousuf, M. (2017). Diving Deep into Clickbaits: Who Use Them to What Extents in Which Topics with What Effects? Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining 2017, available at: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.09400.pdf (accessed: 18.01.2020).
16. Scacco, J. & Muddiman, A. (2018). Investigating the Influence of “Clickbait” News Headlines. Center for Media Engagement, available at: https://mediaengagement.org/research/clickbait-headlines/ (accessed: 18.01.20).
Как цитировать
Преувеличивающий заголовок как аттрактивный прием в спортивных интернет-СМИ.
Знак: проблемное поле медиаобразования, [S.l.], n. 4 (38), p. 204-210, aug. 2020.
ISSN 2949-3641.
Доступно на: <https://journals.csu.ru/index.php/znak/article/view/301>. Дата доступа: 05 feb. 2025
Ключевые слова
преувеличивающий заголовок, интернет-СМИ, медиатренды, аттрактивные приемы, кликбейт, виральность