Курс «истории журналистики» – что пользы в нем?
Статья посвящена анализу ряда прагматических аспектов одного из наиболее объемного курсов высшего журналистского образования – «истории журналистики» (ИЖ). Обсуждается прагматика взаимодействия курса ИЖ с другими курсами, рассматриваются два базовых противоречия преподавания ИЖ – первое связано с критическим подходом, второе – с принципом необходимого и достаточного знания; в связи с проблемой академического мошенничества как «интернет-краудсорсинга» ставится проблематика односторонней «ненулевой игры» преподавателя против списывания. Предлагаются некоторые решения, позволяющие сделать курс ИЖ прагматически ясным и понятным как для студента, так и в плане дизайна учебного плана.
Данные скачивания пока не доступны.
1. Ambarova, P. A. and Zborovskiy, G. Ye. (2014), “Vremya v zhizni studenta glazami sotsiologa” [=Time in the life of the student through the eyes of a sociologist], in: Vyssheye obrazovaniye v Rossii [=Higher education in Russia], No.12, pp. 48–54 (in Russ.).
2. Ambarova, P. A. and Zborovskiy, G. Ye. (2016), “Temporal'noye izmereniye chelovecheskogo kapitala studentov” [=Temporal measurement of the human capital of students ], in: Problemy modelirovaniya sotsial'nykh protsessov: Rossiya i strany ATR – materialy Vtoroy vseros. nauchno-prakt. konf. s mezhd. Uchastiyem [=Problems of social processes’ modeling: Russia and the Asia-Pacific countries Region. Scientific and practical work. Conf. with Int. participation, 7 - 8 December 2016], DFU Publ., Vladivostok, pp. 18-21. (in Russ.).
3. Bourdieu, P. (2001), Prakticheskiy smysl [=Practical meaning], Aleteya, St. Petersburg, 562 pp. (in Russ.).
4. Wittgenstein, L. (1994), “Filosofskiye issledovaniya” [=Philosophical studies], in: L. Wittgenstein, Filosofskiye raboty [=Philosophical works], part I, Gnozio Publ., Moscow, pp. 75–320 (in Russ.).
5. Vysokiye tekhnologii, telekommunikatsii, razvlecheniya i SMI. Prognoz razvitiya otrasley na 2018 god (2018) [=High technology, telecommunications, entertainment and media. Forecast of industrial development–2018], Issledovatel'skiy tsentr kompanii «Deloyt» v SNG [=Deloitte’s Research center in the CIS], Moscow, available at: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ru/Documents/technology-media-telecommunications/tmt-prediction-ru-web.pdf, accessed 12.07.2018 (in Russ.).
6. Igolkina, N. I. (2016), “Spisyvaniye v uchebnom protsesse: prichina ili sledstviye pedagogicheskogo konflikta” [=Cheating in the educational process: a cause or a consequence of pedagogical conflict], in: Konflikty v sovremennom mire: mezhdunarodnoye, gosudarstvennoye i mezhlichnostnoye izmereniye: Materialy V Mezhd. nauchnoy konf [=Conflicts in the modern world: international, state and interpersonal dimension: Materials of the 5th Int.sc.conf], Pero Publ., Saratov, pp. 891–895 (in Russ.)
7. Leont'yeva, E. O. (2016), “Standarty i real'nost': mozhno li v rossiyskikh vuzakh uchit'sya po pravilam?” [=Standards and reality: is it possible to learn by rules in Russian universities?], in: Izvestiya vuzov. Seriya «Gumanitarnyye nauki» [=Universities’ Proceedings: Humanities], Vol.7, No.4, pp. 317–327 (in Russ.).
8. Lipatov, V. A., Smirnov, N. V., Naimzada, D. M. Z. and Severinov, D. A. (2015), “K probleme ispol'zovaniya shpargalok: rezul'taty anonimnogo anketirovaniya” [=On the problem of cheat sheets using: results of anonymous questioning], in: Sinergiya [=Synergy], No.2, pp. 27–33 (in Russ.).
9. Mediapotrebleniye v Rossii. Klyuchevyye tendentsii (2017), [=Media consumption in Russia. Key Trends], Issledovatel'skiy tsentr kompanii «Deloyt» v SNG [=Deloitte’s Research center in the CIS], Moscow, available at: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ru/Documents/technology-media-telecommunications/russian/media-consumption-in-Russia-2017-rus.pdf, accessed 12.07.2018 (in Russ.).
10. Milyutin, V. A. (1851), “Ocherki russkoy zhurnalistiki, preimushchestvenno staroy. I. «Yezhemesyachnyye sochineniya», zhurnal 1755—1764 godov. Stat'ya pervaya” [=Sketches of Russian journalism, mostly old. "Writings Monthly", the journal of 1755-1764. Article One.], in: Sovremennik [=Contemporarian], vol.XXV, sect.II, pp. 1—52 (in Russ.).
11. Orlova, Ye. I. (2016), “Istoriya zhurnalistiki i literatury kak universitetskiye nauki” [=History of Journalism and Literature as University Sciences], in: Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 9. Filologiya. Vostokovedeniye. Zhurnalistika. [=Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Ser. 9. Philology. Oriental studies. Journalism.], No.4, pp. 162–169 (in Russ.).
12. Semenova, N. V., Lyapin, V. A., Amirzhanova, D. Z., Ignat'yeva D. V. and Yelokhova, Y. A. (2016), “Byudzhet vremeni studenta” [=Student's time budget], in: Sovremennyye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya [=Modern problems of science and education], No.6, available at:: https://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=25364, accessed 02.06.2018 (in Russ.).
13. Strekalova, N. B. (2016), “Gotovnost' studentov k kachestvennoy samostoyatel'noy rabote” [=Readiness of students for high-quality independent work], in: Rezul'taty nauchnykh issledovaniy: sbornik statey Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (15.02.2016, g. Tyumen') [=Results of scientific research: collection of articles of the Int. Sci. and Pract. Conf.,15.02.2016, Tyumen], 4th part, Aeterna Publ., Ufa, pp. 152–157 (in Russ.).
14. Tumanov, D. V. (2000), “Istoriya otechestvennoy zhurnalistiki: kontseptsiya, prepodavaniya” [=The history of Russian journalism: the concept of teaching], in: Zhurnalistskoye obrazovaniye v XXI veke. Kogo, komu i kak uchit' zhurnalistike?: Sb.materialov mezhd. uchebno-metod. konf. [=Journalistic Education in the 21st Century. Who, whom and how to teach journalism?: collection of articles of the Int. teaching method. Conf. 25–27.02.2000], UrGU Publ., Yekaterinburg, pp. 46–55 (in Russ.).
15. Foucault, M. (2006), “Sub’yekt i vlast'” [=The subject and authority] in: Intellektualy i vlast': Izbrannyye politicheskiye stat'i, vystupleniya i interv'yu [=Intellectuals and power: Selected political articles, speeches and interviews], part 3, Praksis Publ., Moscow, pp. 161–190 (in Russ.).
16. Shmeleva, Ye. D. (2016), “Plagiat i spisyvaniye v rossiyskikh vuzakh: rol' obrazovatel'noy sredy i individual'nykh kharakteristik studenta” [=Plagiarism and cheating in Russian universities: educational environment and individual characteristics of the student], in: Voprosy obrazovaniya [=Educational Studies], No.1, pp. 84–109 (in Russ.).
17. Yanovskaya, G. V. (2014), “Zhurnalistskoye obrazovaniye: vzglyad iz zazerkal'ya” [=Journalistic education: a view from behind the looking glass], in: Zhurnalist. Sotsial'nyye kommunikatsii [=Journalist. Social Communications], No.1(13), pp. 27–39 (in Russ.).
18. Barbaranelli, C., Farnese, M. L., Tramontano, C., Fida, R., Ghezzi, V., Paciello, M. and Long, P. (2018), “Machiavellian Ways to Academic Cheating: A Mediational and Interactional Model”, in: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.9, article 695, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00695
19. Berger, G. and Foote, J. (2017), “Taking Stock of Contemporary Journalism Education: The End of the Classroom as We Know It”, in: Global Journalism Education In the 21st Century: Challenges and Innovations (Ed.by R. S. Goodman and E. Steyn). Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, University of Texas at Austin, pp. 245–265.
20. Brabham, D. C. (2013), Crowdsourcing, MIT Press, Massachusetts, 138 p.
21. Freiburger, T. L., Romain, D. M., Randol, B. M. and Marcum C. D. (2017), “Cheating Behaviors among Undergraduate College Students: Results from a Factorial Survey”, in: Journal of Criminal Justice Education, Vol.28, No.2, pp. 222–247.
22. Greenberg, S. (2007), “Theory and practice in journalism education”, in: Journal of Media Practice, Vol.8, No.3, pp. 289–303.
23. Jones, D. L. R. (2011), “Academic dishonesty: Are more students cheating?” in: Business Communication Quarterly, Vol.74, No.2, pp. 141–150.
24. Lundvall, B. (2000), “The Learning Economy: Some Implications for the Knowledge Base of Health and Education Systems”, in: Knowledge Management in the Learning Society, OECD, Paris, pp. 125–141.
25. Sparrow, B., Liu, J. and Wegner, D. M. (2011), “Google Effects on Memory: Cognitive Consequences of Having Information at Our Fingertips”, in: Science, Vol.333, 5.08.2011, pp. 776–778.
26. Young, S. and Carson, A. (2018), “What is a Journalist?” in: Journalism Studies, Vol.19, No.3, pp. 452–472.
1. Ambarova, P. A. and Zborovskiy, G. Ye. (2014), “Vremya v zhizni studenta glazami sotsiologa” [=Time in the life of the student through the eyes of a sociologist], in: Vyssheye obrazovaniye v Rossii [=Higher education in Russia], No.12, pp. 48–54 (in Russ.).
2. Ambarova, P. A. and Zborovskiy, G. Ye. (2016), “Temporal'noye izmereniye chelovecheskogo kapitala studentov” [=Temporal measurement of the human capital of students ], in: Problemy modelirovaniya sotsial'nykh protsessov: Rossiya i strany ATR – materialy Vtoroy vseros. nauchno-prakt. konf. s mezhd. Uchastiyem [=Problems of social processes’ modeling: Russia and the Asia-Pacific countries Region. Scientific and practical work. Conf. with Int. participation, 7 - 8 December 2016], DFU Publ., Vladivostok, pp. 18-21. (in Russ.).
3. Bourdieu, P. (2001), Prakticheskiy smysl [=Practical meaning], Aleteya, St. Petersburg, 562 pp. (in Russ.).
4. Wittgenstein, L. (1994), “Filosofskiye issledovaniya” [=Philosophical studies], in: L. Wittgenstein, Filosofskiye raboty [=Philosophical works], part I, Gnozio Publ., Moscow, pp. 75–320 (in Russ.).
5. Vysokiye tekhnologii, telekommunikatsii, razvlecheniya i SMI. Prognoz razvitiya otrasley na 2018 god (2018) [=High technology, telecommunications, entertainment and media. Forecast of industrial development–2018], Issledovatel'skiy tsentr kompanii «Deloyt» v SNG [=Deloitte’s Research center in the CIS], Moscow, available at: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ru/Documents/technology-media-telecommunications/tmt-prediction-ru-web.pdf, accessed 12.07.2018 (in Russ.).
6. Igolkina, N. I. (2016), “Spisyvaniye v uchebnom protsesse: prichina ili sledstviye pedagogicheskogo konflikta” [=Cheating in the educational process: a cause or a consequence of pedagogical conflict], in: Konflikty v sovremennom mire: mezhdunarodnoye, gosudarstvennoye i mezhlichnostnoye izmereniye: Materialy V Mezhd. nauchnoy konf [=Conflicts in the modern world: international, state and interpersonal dimension: Materials of the 5th Int.sc.conf], Pero Publ., Saratov, pp. 891–895 (in Russ.)
7. Leont'yeva, E. O. (2016), “Standarty i real'nost': mozhno li v rossiyskikh vuzakh uchit'sya po pravilam?” [=Standards and reality: is it possible to learn by rules in Russian universities?], in: Izvestiya vuzov. Seriya «Gumanitarnyye nauki» [=Universities’ Proceedings: Humanities], Vol.7, No.4, pp. 317–327 (in Russ.).
8. Lipatov, V. A., Smirnov, N. V., Naimzada, D. M. Z. and Severinov, D. A. (2015), “K probleme ispol'zovaniya shpargalok: rezul'taty anonimnogo anketirovaniya” [=On the problem of cheat sheets using: results of anonymous questioning], in: Sinergiya [=Synergy], No.2, pp. 27–33 (in Russ.).
9. Mediapotrebleniye v Rossii. Klyuchevyye tendentsii (2017), [=Media consumption in Russia. Key Trends], Issledovatel'skiy tsentr kompanii «Deloyt» v SNG [=Deloitte’s Research center in the CIS], Moscow, available at: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ru/Documents/technology-media-telecommunications/russian/media-consumption-in-Russia-2017-rus.pdf, accessed 12.07.2018 (in Russ.).
10. Milyutin, V. A. (1851), “Ocherki russkoy zhurnalistiki, preimushchestvenno staroy. I. «Yezhemesyachnyye sochineniya», zhurnal 1755—1764 godov. Stat'ya pervaya” [=Sketches of Russian journalism, mostly old. "Writings Monthly", the journal of 1755-1764. Article One.], in: Sovremennik [=Contemporarian], vol.XXV, sect.II, pp. 1—52 (in Russ.).
11. Orlova, Ye. I. (2016), “Istoriya zhurnalistiki i literatury kak universitetskiye nauki” [=History of Journalism and Literature as University Sciences], in: Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 9. Filologiya. Vostokovedeniye. Zhurnalistika. [=Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Ser. 9. Philology. Oriental studies. Journalism.], No.4, pp. 162–169 (in Russ.).
12. Semenova, N. V., Lyapin, V. A., Amirzhanova, D. Z., Ignat'yeva D. V. and Yelokhova, Y. A. (2016), “Byudzhet vremeni studenta” [=Student's time budget], in: Sovremennyye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya [=Modern problems of science and education], No.6, available at:: https://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=25364, accessed 02.06.2018 (in Russ.).
13. Strekalova, N. B. (2016), “Gotovnost' studentov k kachestvennoy samostoyatel'noy rabote” [=Readiness of students for high-quality independent work], in: Rezul'taty nauchnykh issledovaniy: sbornik statey Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (15.02.2016, g. Tyumen') [=Results of scientific research: collection of articles of the Int. Sci. and Pract. Conf.,15.02.2016, Tyumen], 4th part, Aeterna Publ., Ufa, pp. 152–157 (in Russ.).
14. Tumanov, D. V. (2000), “Istoriya otechestvennoy zhurnalistiki: kontseptsiya, prepodavaniya” [=The history of Russian journalism: the concept of teaching], in: Zhurnalistskoye obrazovaniye v XXI veke. Kogo, komu i kak uchit' zhurnalistike?: Sb.materialov mezhd. uchebno-metod. konf. [=Journalistic Education in the 21st Century. Who, whom and how to teach journalism?: collection of articles of the Int. teaching method. Conf. 25–27.02.2000], UrGU Publ., Yekaterinburg, pp. 46–55 (in Russ.).
15. Foucault, M. (2006), “Sub’yekt i vlast'” [=The subject and authority] in: Intellektualy i vlast': Izbrannyye politicheskiye stat'i, vystupleniya i interv'yu [=Intellectuals and power: Selected political articles, speeches and interviews], part 3, Praksis Publ., Moscow, pp. 161–190 (in Russ.).
16. Shmeleva, Ye. D. (2016), “Plagiat i spisyvaniye v rossiyskikh vuzakh: rol' obrazovatel'noy sredy i individual'nykh kharakteristik studenta” [=Plagiarism and cheating in Russian universities: educational environment and individual characteristics of the student], in: Voprosy obrazovaniya [=Educational Studies], No.1, pp. 84–109 (in Russ.).
17. Yanovskaya, G. V. (2014), “Zhurnalistskoye obrazovaniye: vzglyad iz zazerkal'ya” [=Journalistic education: a view from behind the looking glass], in: Zhurnalist. Sotsial'nyye kommunikatsii [=Journalist. Social Communications], No.1(13), pp. 27–39 (in Russ.).
18. Barbaranelli, C., Farnese, M. L., Tramontano, C., Fida, R., Ghezzi, V., Paciello, M. and Long, P. (2018), “Machiavellian Ways to Academic Cheating: A Mediational and Interactional Model”, in: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.9, article 695, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00695
19. Berger, G. and Foote, J. (2017), “Taking Stock of Contemporary Journalism Education: The End of the Classroom as We Know It”, in: Global Journalism Education In the 21st Century: Challenges and Innovations (Ed.by R. S. Goodman and E. Steyn). Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, University of Texas at Austin, pp. 245–265.
20. Brabham, D. C. (2013), Crowdsourcing, MIT Press, Massachusetts, 138 p.
21. Freiburger, T. L., Romain, D. M., Randol, B. M. and Marcum C. D. (2017), “Cheating Behaviors among Undergraduate College Students: Results from a Factorial Survey”, in: Journal of Criminal Justice Education, Vol.28, No.2, pp. 222–247.
22. Greenberg, S. (2007), “Theory and practice in journalism education”, in: Journal of Media Practice, Vol.8, No.3, pp. 289–303.
23. Jones, D. L. R. (2011), “Academic dishonesty: Are more students cheating?” in: Business Communication Quarterly, Vol.74, No.2, pp. 141–150.
24. Lundvall, B. (2000), “The Learning Economy: Some Implications for the Knowledge Base of Health and Education Systems”, in: Knowledge Management in the Learning Society, OECD, Paris, pp. 125–141.
25. Sparrow, B., Liu, J. and Wegner, D. M. (2011), “Google Effects on Memory: Cognitive Consequences of Having Information at Our Fingertips”, in: Science, Vol.333, 5.08.2011, pp. 776–778.
26. Young, S. and Carson, A. (2018), “What is a Journalist?” in: Journalism Studies, Vol.19, No.3, pp. 452–472.
Как цитировать
KRAMER, Alexander.
Курс «истории журналистики» – что пользы в нем?.
Знак: проблемное поле медиаобразования, [S.l.], n. 4 (30), p. 83-92, feb. 2019.
ISSN 2949-3641.
Доступно на: <https://journals.csu.ru/index.php/znak/article/view/75>. Дата доступа: 27 dec. 2024
Ключевые слова
история журналистики
журналистское образование
исторический метод
антагонистическая игра