• Хасинто Омар Контрера Сарри Belgorod State University


The article deals with the peculiar features of the Spanish language functioning on the territory of Peru. In the process of contact interaction of the Spanish language and Peruvian local languages and cultures a new hybrid language, named as Peruvian Spanish was formed on the territory of Peru. The adaptation process of the autochthonous languages influence, as well as all their dialects, and numerous local cultures has been the reason of forced naturalization of Spanish to local linguistic and cultural realities. Therefore, the formed language variant — Peruvian Spanish — has revealed a number of unique characteristics that are typical exclusively for the Peruvian language and culture environment. The analyzed territorial variant has a number of peculiarities at all language levels: phonetic, grammatical, lexical, which is manifested in a number of phonetic, grammatical, lexical transformations which are to be identified during the research work. Lexical transformations of Peruvian Spanish according to the research prevail over phonetic and grammatical changes and are manifested in the use of high-frequency language and culture lexemes, and are of use both in formal and informal communication types


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How to Cite
САРРИ, Хасинто Омар Контрера. PERUVIAN SPANISH: PHONETIC, GRAMMATICAL, LEXICAL FEATURES. Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University, [S.l.], n. 3(461), p. 43-40, may 2022. ISSN 2782-4829. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024. doi:


contact linguistics, Peruvian Spanish, language and culture, phonetic transformation, grammatical transformation, lexical transformation, language and culture lexemes