• Семед Абакаевич Семедов Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)


Counterextremism policy in the modern world mostly concerns prevention of spreading of extremism and terrorism ideology in the society and the world. Bearing in mind modern achievements in the development of information technologies, these tasks become no less important than providing military, law enforcement or judicial measures for extremism and terrorism clampdown. Extremism and terrorism are social, political and criminal phenomenon, but also a political one, which influences international relations on regional and international levels. Thus, there arises a need for analysis of different factors having an influence on the development of these negative phenomena and creation of mechanisms for their neutralization on the territory of the Russian Federation as well as in the whole world. The cooperation of scientists and religious leaders is believed to be of paramount importance since we can observe growing polarization and extreme radicalization of international relations as well as the rising tide of politicization of religion in the modern world. Extremism during headwinds periods in international relations becomes an effective tool of political struggle in international relations and world policy. Counterextremism policy is one of the most important tasks within the Russian National Security Doctrine, especially in the scope of special military campaign in Ukraine and changing the place and role of Russia in modern international relations. Russophobia and the policy of “cancelling Russia”, which is being held by US-led western countries, can also be considered as one of the smartest forms of extremism, the main aim of which is to bring discredit on Russia being a great state and a great civilization. Islam as one of the most important elements of the structure of the Russian society plays an integral and consolidating power in upholding of Russian national interests as well as pursuing a policy of counterextremism and counterterrorism.


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How to Cite
СЕМЕДОВ, Семед Абакаевич. THE POLICY OF COUNTERTERRORISM AND COUNTEREXTREMISM AS THE PROBLEM OF NATIONAL SECURITY. Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University, [S.l.], n. 8(466), p. 10-20, oct. 2022. ISSN 2782-4829. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024. doi:


international cooperation
peculiarities of modern international terrorism
ideology of extremism
politicization of religion
radicalization of international relations
special military campaign