SPECIFICS OF LITERARY TEXT TRANSFER FROM EPIC TO DRAMA (using the example of “Alexei Karenin” by V. Sigarev)

  • Мария Сергеевна Лантух Chelyabinsk State University
  • Елена Александровна Селютина Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture


The aim of the article is to analyze the play by V. Sigarev as a sample of text transfer from the discourse of epic narrative into the discourse of dramatic action. To achieve the goal the following particular objectives are pursued: to describe the methods of textual source change, to compare the ideological complex of the texts of Leo Tolstoy and V. Sigarev, to defi ne the main principle of transfer changes. In Sigarev’s text one can observe the exclusion of entire plot lines, the inversion of events, the addition of original scenes, the change in the spatial and temporal organisation of some episodes, and the change in the degree of focalisation and the type of narrator as compared to Tolstoy’s novel. The remarks are vividly episodic, metaphorical, contain elements of narrative discourse, and express the narrator’s attitude to the action by means of an abundance of evaluative vocabulary. The speech of the characters is a compilation of the remarks of the characters and the speech of the author of the novel, which indicates a profound change in the language of the text following the discourse of speech. The study showed that the intergenerational transfer takes place on the level of events, composition, verbalization of the plot, as well as on the level of the incidental text of the drama. The dramatic text is characterised by a reaccounting in the ideological complex and problems. Transformation involves the creation of a coherent text subordinated to the unity of action. Transformations of a narrative text into a dramatic text depend on a change in the degree of focalization, the choice of the subject of speech and their attitude towards the narrated world.


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How to Cite
ЛАНТУХ, Мария Сергеевна; СЕЛЮТИНА, Елена Александровна. SPECIFICS OF LITERARY TEXT TRANSFER FROM EPIC TO DRAMA (using the example of “Alexei Karenin” by V. Sigarev). Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University, [S.l.], n. 2(472), p. 108-116, june 2023. ISSN 2782-4829. Available at: <https://journals.csu.ru/index.php/BulletinCSU/article/view/2015>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024.


transfer, epic, drama, “Alexei Karenin”, plot, story, composition, narrator, focalization, remark