• Алексей Юрьевич Даванков Chelyabinsk State University
  • Дмитрий Юрьевич Двинин Chelyabinsk State University
  • Галина Андреевна Косарева Chelyabinsk State University


 The object of research is spatial economic activity in territories of different hierarchical levels, which cre­ates a certain local spatial environment. The political and economic essence of a systematic approach to the harmo­nious, balanced development of territorial economic activity as a trinity of economy, ecology and the social sphere is shown, and the reasons for the imbalance of economic activity are also disclosed. The answer to the question is given: what caused the choice of just such a direction of study and study of spatial economic activity. Indicators have been determined that will allow determining the level of the necessary balance between the main types of spatial economic activity. On the example of the Chelyabinsk region, the value of the ratio between the energy consumed by economic activity and the energy of the assimilation potential of ecosystems, as well as between the volumes of carbon dioxide absorption by natural ecosystems and the emission of anthropogenically modified territories, was revealed. The necessary volumes of renewable energy and areas of territories with a special nature management regime necessary to eliminate imbalances in the socio-ecological and economic system of the region have been established.


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How to Cite
ДАВАНКОВ, Алексей Юрьевич; ДВИНИН, Дмитрий Юрьевич; КОСАРЕВА, Галина Андреевна. HARMONIOUS DEVELOPMENT OF SPATIAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University, [S.l.], n. 3 (473), p. 260-266, june 2023. ISSN 2782-4829. Available at: <https://journals.csu.ru/index.php/BulletinCSU/article/view/2044>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024.


harmonious development, spatial economic activity, socio-ecological and economic processes

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