• Ольга Викторовна Сергеева Kuban State University


This article is devoted to the study of linguoecological problems of modern educational media. The study material is presented by articles from Russian, British and American media of the beginning of the 21st century, selected by a continuous sample of lexical and phraseological units from the entire variety of educational media texts. The purpose of the work is realized using a set of methods: descriptive method, interpretive analysis, lexicalsemantic analysis, lexical-grammatical analysis, stylistic analysis, content analysis, elements of discursive analysis. The relevance of the studied problem is determined by the increasing interest in the anthropological approach in media communication, the importance of studying the roles of the teacher and student in the media educational space, the need to establish linguoecological norms, solve linguoecological problems in the educational media resource of Russia, the USA, and Great Britain. As a result of the analysis of educational media, the existence of five main problems was revealed: 1) destruction, fixing negative language means and negative emotions, 2) deecologization, reflecting a violation of the nature of communication, 3) deformation within the framework of communicative and personal/interpersonal processes, 4) degradation of the communicative personality and communication itself, 5) dehumanization in the social interaction of communicants. As the analysis of the actual material showed, the desire for creative communication in the educational media resource demonstrates the creative self-realization of communicants and generates negative communication, destructive discursive and social processes. It has been established that it is necessary to strengthen actions to ensure the linguistic security of the educational media space to achieve the quality, ethical conditioning, environmental friendliness of media in the field of educational activities in Russian, American and British linguocultures.


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How to Cite
СЕРГЕЕВА, Ольга Викторовна. LINGUOECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL MEDIA DISCOURSE. Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University, [S.l.], n. 9(479), p. 70-82, nov. 2023. ISSN 2782-4829. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024. doi:


linguoecology, mass media, educational media resource, destruction, deecologization, deformation, degradation, dehumanization