
The Editorial Board Invites you to Cooperate


The Editorial Board of the journal "Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University. Education and HealthCare" invites Russian and foreign scientists with academic degrees to cooperate as members of the editorial board of the journal. We are interested in expanding the interest in our publication and improving its quality. The editorial board of the publishing house is interested in specialists in the following areas: Pedagogical Sciences, Psychological Sciences.

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Current Issue

No 4(28) (2024): Bulletin CSU. Education and Health

Издатель: ФБГОУ ВО "Челябинский государственный университет"
Главный редактор: А.В. Важенин, академик РАН, доктор медицинских наук, профессор.
Издается с 2014 года
Периодичность: 4 раза в год
Язык издания: русский, английский

Published: 2025-01-14


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Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University. Education and Healthcare  (ISSN 2409-4102)

Bulletin CSU. Education and Healthcare  (ISSN 2409-4102)

The journal is intended to acquaint the Russian and foreign scientific and scientific-pedagogical community, as well as doctoral students, postgraduate students, undergraduates and other students of higher education institutions with new scientific results of importance in various fields of fundamental and applied science in pedagogy, psychology, biology and medicine. 

Editor-in-Chief: A.V. Vazhenin, RAS Academician, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: A.V. Mayorov, Ph.D. in Law, Ass. Prof., Member of ANRI.

Media registration certificate PI No. FS 77-58492 of July 4, 2014.
The journal is published 4 times a year.

Languages: Russian, English.

Open Access journal.


- Science Indexs - Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) 
- - Scientific electronic library
- CYBERLENINKA - Open Access Scientific Digital Library
- ReadEra
- Google Scholar



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