
The study of the Russian civilization essence is impossible without intercomparison with other (different, alien) civilizations, primarily with the Euro-Atlantic one. For the peoples of Europe and Russia belong to the same race, come from the same Indo-European (Aryan) root, are historically closely interconnected with each other. The civilizational code of the Euro-Atlantic civilization is asymmetric to the code of Russia (or the Eurasian civilization). For more than millennia, Russia has constantly clashed with European civilizations, primarily German, English, Turkish, French and Swedish. At present, Russia is facing the Euro-Atlantic civilization as an integral political organism, that is, the “collective West.” In these clashes, Russian civilization has shown its uniqueness, vitality, stability and power, so it cannot be reduced to the Euro-Atlantic civilization. Moreover, Russian civilization is more related to land civilizations with elements of the sea; Euro-Atlantic civilization is related to maritime civilizations with land elements. In order to weaken (or destroy) Russian culture, the cultures of the peoples of Russia and Russian civilization as a whole, pressure from the “collective West” is increasing (making it close to a state of war), the purpose of which is to decode Russian civilization, restraint it politically, economically and culturally, strengthening security of the West at the expense of Russia. Decoding is the process of replacing true values with false ones, changing the semantic content of the cultures of Russia’s peoples, forcibly introducing European elements into the Russian cultural and civilizational codes. This happens through the use of technologies of the most diverse order, based on lies, the creation of “fakes”, simulacra as the West (with a plus sign) and Russia (with a minus sign).


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How to Cite
КАРГАПОЛОВ, Евгений Павлович. RUSSIAN (EURASIAN) AND EURO-ATLANTIC CIVILIZATIONS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CODES. Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University, [S.l.], n. 10(468), p. 71-81, dec. 2022. ISSN 2782-4829. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024. doi:


Russian civilization
Euro-Atlantic civilization
code of Russian civilization
code of Euro-Atlantic civilization