
Observed in a number of countries, including Russia, the trend of growth in the average life expectancy of the population is accompanied by a change in its demographic burden, which increases the proportion of people of retirement age. In the conditions of demographic aging of the population, the study of the quality and well-being of the lives of elderly people, which are the most important resource for the socio-economic development of the country, becomes especially relevant. In order to achieve national goals to increase the natural increase in the population of Russia and its average life expectancy, a national project “Demography” has been developed. One of its components is the federal project “The Older Generation”, whose task is to develop and implement a program of systematic support and improvement of the quality of life of older citizens. The article presents the result of the conducted research, the purpose of which was to assess the impact of the well-being of the older generation on the demographic situation in the country. A brief review of the opinions of domestic and foreign authors on the role of the older generation in shaping the demographic situation in the modern world, an analysis of its dynamics in individual countries and in Russia. The index of well-being of the older generation is proposed and tested on the example of the Volga Federal District, which allows to give a comprehensive assessment of the quality of life and well-being of elderly people in certain regions of the country. Conclusions are drawn about the need for a deeper study of the problem of adaptation of the older generation in modern conditions of instability of economic development. Recommendations are given on the formation of information and statistical resources for conducting such studies.


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How to Cite
ЛАПТЕВА, Ирина Павловна; ГРИШИНА, Елена Николаевна. THE IMPACT OF THE WELL-BEING OF THE OLDER GENERATION ON THE DEMOGRAPHIC SITUATION IN THE COUNTRY. Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University, [S.l.], n. 12(470), p. 130-140, feb. 2023. ISSN 2782-4829. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024. doi:


demography, older generation, life expectancy, quality of life, index of well-being of the older generation

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