• Данил Валерьевич Башмаков MIREA — Russian technological university


The purpose of this article is to describe the apophatic approach in goal-setting and to develop methodologi­cal provisions and recommendations for its implementation in relation to organizational activities. This approach is based on the definition of a goal as a result used as a standard for assessing the current activities of the organi­zation. At the same time, due to the social nature of the organization, the formation of such a standard is due to the personal values and motivation of the participants, reflecting the general cultural context of society, its traditions. The author defines the distinctive features of apophatic thinking and their role in creative methods. To apply the cre­ative potential of the apophatic approach in goal-setting, the author has developed an organizational mechanism for its implementation in relation to the activities of the organization. As a result of its action, a goal is formed as an image that excludes unacceptable behavior of the organization in relation to its stakeholders from the standpoint of the norms and rules of public morality. To reveal the content of such an image, the author proposed a visualiza­tion tool that reflects the logic of the thought process. In conclusion, the article presents the differences and advan­tages of the apophatic method in goal-setting, among them its connection with ideas about eternity, the priority of inadmissibility over the desirability of future situations, focusing on the characteristics of interaction with stake­holders and strengthening the institutional component in it.


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How to Cite
БАШМАКОВ, Данил Валерьевич. APPLICATION OF THE APOPHATIC APPROACH IN GOAL-SETTING OF THE ORGANIZATION. Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University, [S.l.], n. 3 (473), p. 170-180, june 2023. ISSN 2782-4829. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024.


stakeholder analysis, conflict prevention, creative thinking, unacceptable situations, performance management