• Тамара Вячеславовна Парфиненко Vyatka State University
  • Лариса Анатольевна Суворова Vyatka State University


Modern economic conditions have served as a catalyst for the formation of new approaches to the sus­tainable development of enterprises using relevant forms of their interactions. The study is aimed at improving the existing approaches to the sustainable development of enterprises. The author’s conceptual approach to the sus­tainable development of enterprises, taking into account the use of cooperative inter-industry interactions within the localization of production capacities of conjugated regional industries in the conditions of import substitution is proposed. The article substantiates the prerequisites for deepening and expanding in the regional economy of cooperative inter-industry interaction between enterprises of the timber industry complex, timber processing machinery, bioenergy and chemical technology of wood processing. Within the framework of the author’s con­ceptual approach to sustainable development of enterprises it is proposed to consider the newly introduced com­ponent on cooperative inter-branch interaction of enterprises in the region along with economic, environmental and social components. The directions for the implementation of the concept of sustainable development of en­terprises in the region, bound by a single technological chain of value added, due to the deepening and expan­sion of cooperative inter-industry interactions are formulated. The practical significance of the research lies in the development and expansion of competitive regional production capacities through the use of cooperative inter-industry interactions of enterprises of the leading industries, representing the competitive advantages of the re­gion. The author’s conceptual approach of sustainable development of enterprises has been tested in the market of timber boards of Kirov region.


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How to Cite
ПАРФИНЕНКО, Тамара Вячеславовна; СУВОРОВА, Лариса Анатольевна. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES: A CONCEPTUAL APPROACH IN THE CONTEXT OF IMPORT SUBSTITUTION. Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University, [S.l.], n. 3 (473), p. 193-204, june 2023. ISSN 2782-4829. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024.


sustainable development of enterprises, cooperative inter-industry cooperation, interconnected regional industries, import substitution, processing industries