
The phenomenon of culture as a being that appears to us in its internal structure is a subject. In the subject, being as an upcoming (“standing before”) is captured by a cultural meta, a means (tool, symbol, sign, universal) and consciousness is in a situation of mutual representation of the object and m eta, which determine its internal counter-intentionality. This cycle of intentionality makes it possible to single out a person’s active ability, which could be called energy. In our opinion, it is quite reasonable to use this term from the religious sphere of life as a secular concept to denote an idealized active ability. In the perspective of its development, it is appropriate to interpret energy as a spirit in its secular interpretation. The definition of “pure”, for example, “pure reason” by I. Kant, means “non-objective”, freed from any objective certainty and therefore demarcated (separated) from objectivity. A meaningful understanding of the spirit is thus associated with bifurcation.


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How to Cite
НЕВЕЛЕВ, Анатолий Борисович; НЕВЕЛЕВА, Вера Сергеевна. CULTURAL PHENOMENA AND THE OBJECTIVE IDENTITY OF HUMAN EXISTENCE. Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University, [S.l.], n. 5(439), p. 22-32, aug. 2022. ISSN 2782-4829. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024. doi:


objectivity, energy, non-reality, spirit, soul, the law of the inverse relationship of objectivity and energy, value-forming foundation, values, pyramidal and ring system of values, levels of objective being (objectivity), active ability of the subject, sublimation, phenomenon, meta, markup, object, object, marked, marking, intentionality, pure reason, non-objectivity, demarcation, material and ideal being, freedom in three “hypostases”, identity, technique, technology