The concepts of “quality” and “reliability” in the media advertising picture of the world

  • Елена Николаевна Ежова North Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol, Russia
  • Анастасия Сергеевна Козырь North Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol, Russia


The work is devoted to the study of the concepts of “quality” and “reliability” in the media advertising picture of the world. The cognitive-semiotic structure of the influencing advertising text is considered as a multidimensional unity, which includes a hierarchy of cultural codes, among which concepts occupy a significant place. The concept sphere of the media advertising picture of the world is defined as a hierarchically organized system of images and concepts formed around the sematic core - the representation of the object of advertising in the system of life values of both an individual subject and various communities and society. The paper reveals the structural and semantic components of the concepts “quality” and “reliability”, which are key to the media advertising picture of the world, used to draw the consumer’s attention to the unique properties of the product and show its advantages over competitors. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the features of the functioning of the studied concepts in the media and advertising discourse.


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Author Biographies

Елена Николаевна Ежова, North Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol, Russia

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations

Анастасия Сергеевна Козырь, North Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol, Russia

student of the direction of training “Advertising and Public Relations”


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How to Cite
ЕЖОВА, Елена Николаевна; КОЗЫРЬ, Анастасия Сергеевна. The concepts of “quality” and “reliability” in the media advertising picture of the world. Chelyabinskij Gumanitarij, [S.l.], n. 1 (58), p. 22–36, aug. 2022. ISSN 1999-5407. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 18 may 2024. doi:
Original article


advertising text, media advertising picture of the world, concept sphere, concept