The axiomarkation of events and the formation of value attitudes in the cultural media discourse of the transition period


The author, sharing the opinion of transitionologists about value turbulence in a transitional society, considers the cultural media discourse of the present time as an object of research. Propagating eternal values, it stands above all other thematic acute social discourses, is indicative precisely because of its neutrality, supra-situationality, reflexivity. The subject of the analysis is the cognitive mechanisms of axiomarkation and axioconstruction in the cultural media discourse of the transition period, the purpose of the work is to identify certain patterns of axiomarkation and axioforming. The material was published on two value–relevant events in 2023 - Anastasia Ivleeva's party and the release of the TV series "The Word of the Kid. Blood on the asphalt", they were extracted from official sources of information, as well as from the media claiming to have unbiased coverage.
Using the content analysis method, the author comes to the main conclusions: 1) in the cultural discourse of the transitive period, transition zones are formed in which other thematic discourses are localized; 2) the proportion of the presence of other thematic discourses in it and the degree of manifestation of the assessment depends on the type of media. In the official media, cultural discourse is increasingly marginalized, moving away from the supra-temporal, begins to function like highly social discourses, and rigid value categorization and structuring of information are becoming more and more clearly manifested in it. In the discourse of culture of independent media, axiomarkation and axioconstruction are carried out in a factual coordinate system; 3) the main cognitive mechanisms of value categorization are, firstly, opposition using various kinds of binary oppositions that go far beyond the sphere of culture, and secondly, staging; 4) the addressee of the cultural discourse of the transition period becomes a witness to several value programs – "old" and "new", which are in conflict and competitive relations, while in the official media the new axiological project is spoken of as already approved and the only possible one, which is inherent in design, competitiveness.


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Author Biography

Вера Владимировна Антропова, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Media Theory


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How to Cite
АНТРОПОВА, Вера Владимировна. The axiomarkation of events and the formation of value attitudes in the cultural media discourse of the transition period. Znak: problemnoe pole mediaobrazovanija, [S.l.], n. 1 (51), p. 79–87, may 2024. ISSN 2949-3641. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024. doi:


media discourse transitional society, culture, axiomarkation, value attitudes

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